Benchmark name When Created
lodash vs plain assignation 9 months ago
Set vs Object vs Map (has/in) vs array

Compare the speed to retrieve a value from three data structures that can be used for boolean referencing; i.e. for mapping enabled settings.

9 months ago
Functional Vs Imperative 10 elems 9 months ago
Functional Vs Imperative 9 months ago
12123Test 9 months ago
TextDecoder 'ascii' vs String.fromCharCodea 9 months ago
Set vs Object vs Map (has/in)

Compare the speed to retrieve a value from three data structures that can be used for boolean referencing; i.e. for mapping enabled settings.

9 months ago
startsWith 1234 9 months ago
parseInt vs Number BigInts 9 months ago
Strip svg tags 9 months ago
test DomParser vs Regex vs IndexIf 9 months ago
Lodash Intersection with Arrays vs. native with sets vs. native filter with arrays 9 months ago
URL parsing and matching 9 months ago
Array.filter vs. raw for-loop vs. for..of vs. Array.reduce vs. generator spread 2

Changes in version 2: - Actually call predicate in generator function. Changes in this fork include (but might not be limited to): - Complete refactoring - Fixed memory leak - Even if you didn't run out of memory this still heavily affected performance, rendering the results basically useless. - Attempted to make test cases less likely to be optimized away (larger array, randomized values) - Changed to for..of - One shouldn't use for array access. It doesn't behave like other loops in that: 1. It returns all enumerable properties in the entire prototype chain. Usually not a problem, but if you're using inheritance it might. 2. It doesn't visit empty slots. So if you created a sized array (i.e. new Array(123)) and looped over it with it would visit exactly 0 slots. 3. It returns indexes as strings. Could cause subtle bugs since it would work with abstract comparison operators more or less as though it was a number, but not so much with, for instance, the + operator. - Added Array.reduce test - Added generator test

9 months ago
Array.filter vs. raw for-loop vs. for..of vs. Array.reduce vs. generator spread

Changes in this fork include (but might not be limited to): - Complete refactoring - Fixed memory leak - Even if you didn't run out of memory this still heavily affected performance, rendering the results basically useless. - Attempted to make test cases less likely to be optimized away (larger array, randomized values) - Changed to for..of - One shouldn't use for array access. It doesn't behave like other loops in that: 1. It returns all enumerable properties in the entire prototype chain. Usually not a problem, but if you're using inheritance it might. 2. It doesn't visit empty slots. So if you created a sized array (i.e. new Array(123)) and looped over it with it would visit exactly 0 slots. 3. It returns indexes as strings. Could cause subtle bugs since it would work with abstract comparison operators more or less as though it was a number, but not so much with, for instance, the + operator. - Added Array.reduce test - Added generator test

9 months ago
Compare contains vs closest v2 9 months ago
Classnames vs CLSX vs Alternatives vs custom

Compare CLSX vs Classnames vs an own implementation of creating a template string

9 months ago
parseInt vs Number(val.toFixed(0))

flatMap vs filter map

9 months ago
Compare contains vs closest 9 months ago
flatMap() vs map(...).flat()

flatMap vs map and then flat()

9 months ago
Javascript: Case insensitive exact string comparison 9 months ago
Regex /i vs .indexOf with tolowerCase once

Testing some things

9 months ago
Array.prototype.concat vs spread operator vs flat v2

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

9 months ago
Split string vs Split regex perfs 9 months ago
min func vs inline min 9 months ago

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