Benchmark name When Created
JSON stringify vs array join 2 10 months ago
_.pickBy vs native vs ES6 Filter 10 months ago
<script src=''></script> 10 months ago
String.includes vs. multiple String.endsWith

If what you're looking for is expected to be at the end of a string, is it faster to test multiple known setups from the end of the string?

10 months ago
Sorting array 10 months ago
Rest parameters vs array parameter 2 10 months ago
Const vs Has

Const vs Has

10 months ago
Math.pow(x,0.5) vs Math.sqrt(x) 12 10 months ago
es6 destructuring vs lodash _.get string and array keys with toPath and manual caching 2 10 months ago
JavaScript spread operator vs Object.assign (with new object) performance 10 months ago
object spread vs. Object.assign() 10 months ago
array.entries() vs for loop 2 10 months ago
Reduce vs array.entries() vs for loop 10 months ago
Deep clone performance comparison 10 months ago
querySelector vs getElementsByTagName iframe src 1.1 10 months ago
querySelector vs getElementsByTagName iframe src 2 10 months ago
querySelector vs getElementsByTagName iframe src 10 months ago
JQuery version speed test jQuery 3.4.1 all 1

JQuery version speed test

10 months ago
forEach vs Flatmap 10 months ago
Array.prototype.filter vs Lodash filter bumped to 10k 10 months ago
Array.prototype.filter vs Lodash filter bumped to million 10 months ago
Ramda vs. Lodash vs. Sanctuary

Compares performance on the same task using Lodash vs two styles of Ramda vs two styles of "native" Javascript vs Sanctuary. In all cases the task is pulling "counter" property from each item in an array, filtering out odd items, squaring them, then returning those squared values that have less than two digits.

10 months ago
lodash xor perf copy

Searching for faster solution for _.xor(a, b)

10 months ago
Array From vs Array slice vs [].slice vs spread 10 months ago
array join('.') vs toString js


10 months ago

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