Benchmark name When Created
getter vs method #42 2 years ago
Les Petis Plats - Comparaison initialisation des données - 50 Recettes 2 years ago
Array push vs index set 2 years ago
Les Petis Plats - Comparaison recherche Dichotomique/Séquentielle avec initialisation des données - 50 Recettes 2 years ago
Number vs parseFloat 2 years ago
pathToArray ramda vs. vanila 2 years ago
Math.max/min vs if vs ternary(non-nested) operator 2 years ago
insertAdjacentHTML vs jquery.append_ 2 years ago
insertAdjacentHTML vs jquery.append 2 years ago
Class vs Function 2 years ago
array shallow clone comparison - with nested objects

1. concat 2. spread 3. slice 4. map 5. Object.values 6. Array.from 7. JSON.stringify-parse 8. lodash map 9. lodash cloneDeep 10. lodash clone 11. lodash filter 12. for 13. while 14. filter 15. reduce 16. Object.assign

2 years ago
new Date vs 2 years ago
Which equals operator (== vs ===) is faster? with

Is there a performance benefit to replacing == with ===?

2 years ago
null checking 2 years ago
!(x <= 0) && !(x > 0) vs isNaN(x) 2 years ago
Ramda vs. Lodash mmm

Compares performance on the same task using Lodash vs two styles of Ramda vs two styles of "native" Javascript. In all cases the task is pulling "counter" property from each item in an array, filtering out odd items, squaring them, then returning those squared values that have less than two digits.

2 years ago
splice vs spread 10_23_2021 2 years ago
setAttribute vs style.cssText 2 years ago
js custom yield vs base ma 2 years ago
js custom yield vs base map 2 years ago
Null and undefined checks 2 years ago
Traverse function vs NodeIterator vs TreeWalker (swh-2)

Let's compare the speed of 3 different ways to traverse the DOM.

2 years ago
Traverse function vs NodeIterator vs TreeWalker (swh)

Let's compare the speed of 3 different ways to traverse the DOM.

2 years ago
splice() vs copyWithin() for adding element at index 2 years ago
splice vs copyWithin 2 years ago

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