Benchmark name When Created
array find vs some large

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method

2 years ago
JS Regex vs .startsWith vs .indexOf (largerStrings)

fork of

2 years ago
is find arrays cached (es5) 2 years ago
is find arrays cached 2 years ago
Comare ^Regex vs startsWith, .search vs .indexOf, .test vs .include (spelled correctly)

Testing some things

2 years ago
Comare ^Regex vs startsWith, .search vs .indexOf, .test vs .include

Testing some things

2 years ago
HTMLImageElement vs HTMLCanvasElement vs ImageBitmap

CanvasRenderingContext2d::drawImage with HTMLImageElement vs HTMLCanvasElement vs ImageBitmap

2 years ago
Create Array Filled with Undefined 2 years ago
Set vs Map vs Object for lookups 2 years ago
Create New Array & Fill it 2 years ago
Array.prototype.slice vs spread operator vs map

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional slice() method and map() method

2 years ago
Date clone test

test Date(ts) vs Date(yy, mm, dd)

2 years ago


2 years ago
lodash merge vs object.assign vs spread 3984398 2 years ago
pow vs compound sqrt

pow(x, -1.5) vs (1/sqrt(x) + 1/x)

2 years ago
Array vs Set loopup in Javascript 2 years ago
object[]: findIndex vs for loop

Testing Array.prototype.findIndex vs a for loop over an array of objects

2 years ago
Array concat vs spread vs unshift

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and unshift

2 years ago
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty vs Object in vs Object[] vs Array.indexOf vs Array.includes vs Set.has 2 years ago
Array concat vs spread operator vs push with complex objects

Compare the new ES6 spread operator with the traditional concat() method and push

2 years ago
undefined vs typeof vs !!

undefined vs typeof vs !!

2 years ago
Date time performance

Comparing performance of time

2 years ago
lodash isEmpty vs ES6 implementation from stack overflow

2 years ago
lodash merge vs deepmerge (updated FIXED) 2 years ago
lodash merge vs deepmerge (updated) 2 years ago

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